
Fix #1,  replace the special characters in your Javascript codes

Here's a chart of the special characters need to be replaced in your JavaScript codes:

Special codeReplace with entity name

An explanation can be found from the Wikipedia reference here. 

Example: You got a few lines of  JavaScript codes from an AD company to display their banner ADs, inside the codes there are a few  '&'.

Fix: Replace all the '&' with '&amp;'

Fix #2, add the codes inside a CDATA section

In this fix, enclose your actual JavaScript codes between a pair of tags //<![CDATA[ and //]]>, like:

<script type="text/javascript">
    put the JavaScript scripts here

That means, you have to add the  pair of tags //<![CDATA[ and //]]> manually into your Javascript codes as showing in above, then paste all the codes into Blogger template or widget.

HTML/Javascript Codes:

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